Saturday, December 24, 2011

The rule: Every three years all the members of the Andersen clan will gather for a family picture and family reunion.

The plan: Meet in Utah for pictures, then drive to California for a magical Disneyland adventure.

Current status: Trekking with family, caravan style, to the happiest place on Earth.

The result: Me wallowing on the backseat of Grandmother's Terrain, desperately attempting to hold down the three crackers and half a can of black cherry fresca which together represent the entirety of my substance consumption for the day.

Don't worry. I've got a barf bag.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I don't know if that sounds totally awesome or horrible! I hope you had a fantastic time and aren't too sick! Also, we're planning to go to Disneyland for Christmas next year with the Alston's. So sad we missed each other by a year!
