Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Things Are Getting Desperate

I've been without a kitchen for a week and a half and things are not going well. The kitchen is coming along just fine. I am not going well. I am seriously getting desperate. I need a peanut butter pie. It's practically a health food with all that protein in it. And I believe in being healthy. So I need one.

Yesterday, I visited the home of a sweet friend and I swear if I had brought my purse I would have stolen her lemons. They were so pretty and yellow and, oh my goodness, these lemon meringue pie bars? I must make them. I must!

I'm turning into a crazy person here.


Only three more weeks to go.

Do you think reading cookbooks will help or hurt? I'm on the fence.

1 comment:

  1. When I'm craving a dessert, but I know I don't have the ingredients, I drool over my dessert board on Pinterest. I don't know if it helps any or just makes it worse! You know...I have two ovens that you can use anytime. But you will have to share anything you make!
