Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Busting Out the Sewer

Once upon a time I made a quilt.

Here's a close up of the moon face. He looks kind of mean. Like he's planning something malicious. I think it's the angle of his eye. And his nose. Meanie face.

Other than Mr. Meanie Face Moon needing an attitude adjustment, I'm pretty proud of this quilt. I made it senior year of high school and it's the first one I did entirely on my own. I did the cutting, sewing, quilting, and binding. I had made quilts of various sizes previous to this but they were done with the help of my grandmother.
My parents gave me a sewing machine when I graduated high school. A really nice sewing machine. I haven't used it much since I got it. Mostly I was busy with other things and what free time I had wasn't spent sewing.

I've decided it's high time I get back in to sewing and quilting. I recently took a skirt sewing class with my sistas. It was necessary to become reacquainted with my trusty sewing machine, which was the purpose of the class. It doesn't matter what I told myself; without the class, I probably wouldn't have busted out my sewer for months and months.

Even with my skirt class, it's likely my sewer would have fallen back asleep under a cozy blanket of dust. Luckily, I have an awesome Ma. Ma came home from the grocery store a little bit ago, proudly bearing a quilting magazine that she had picked up just for me. She brings home food magazines a few times a year, but a quilting magazine is completely unprecedented.

It was a sign. Sewing and I were fated to be good friends again. In the spirit of following fate, I dug through the clutter in the sewing room and came up with this:

I did this block fall of my first year of college. It's a paper-pieced quilt block, which isn't my favorite method but I loved the rose it created. I have a whole pile of fabric in an assortment of colors ready to be turned into roses.

It's about time they fulfilled their destiny, don't you think?

PS I found the pattern for my paper-pieced rose quilt in a book at OPL. That place is a mine of crafty information.


  1. I want to be your BFF so we can make quilts together. Super jealous of your mad skills!

  2. The roses are so beautiful! And it's amazing you could make an entire quilt while you were in school!
